God has many ways to get our attention. Sometimes its through a spontaneous sign right after you ask for it, sometimes its a miracle or an answered prayer, sometimes its through the kindness of a complete stranger, or sometimes its a little gold foil note with a QR code on it. Whether you received this card in your order, found it out in public, or stumbled across this random web page, you're here by no accident. God loves you and desires a close relationship with you. He proves this by sending His son Jesus to die for us 2000 years ago so that we might believe on Him and receive the salvation that reunites us to God.
I'm not some kind of pastor or super religious guy. If you're here because you got this card in your order, that means you're a car enthusiast and most likely into drifting or another motorsport, just like I am. So I hope you read this like its coming from a homie at a drift event. Just another bro who loves burning tires llike the rest of us. In fact, I only came to truly know Jesus just a few years ago. But let me tell you brother.. Life is infinitely better now that I do and I know yours will be too.